Are you ready to be the best version of yourself? Physically, spiritually and emotionally.


Naturopath Consultations

As a naturopath, I work with my patients to understand the root cause of their illnesses. I work from the inside out, instead of just working with symptoms. I look at you as a whole person to find out what is going on.


Iridology is an assessment tool that I use in combination with other tools to understand a person’s inherited strengths and vulnerabilities

Reiki Energy Healing sessions

As an energy healer, the reiki energy tells me where you need shifting, either physically, emotionally or spiritually. I love helping people find their way on their journeys and to help them tap into themselves on all levels.

Cellular Health Assessment

Cellular Health (also known as Bio-Impedance Analysis) is a non-invasive tool used to assess how your body is ageing. Cellular Health measures the biological age of your cells and your metabolic rate. This consultation will include the test, a full report with an explanation as well as a treatment plan.

Let’s get your body to start healing itself and be the best version of itself.


Doreen Falzon

Naturopath and Reiki Energy Healer

I have always believed that we were designed to heal ourselves. That is how we are made, but due to toxins in the environment and in our food and stressors, our bodies get mixed up and need a little assistance to get back to optimal health. I love working with herbs as tonics or teas and with flower essences and homoeopathic remedies to work on spiritual and energetic levels. These forms of medicine have been used for hundreds of years and it baffles me, that they are not used more.

I love treating people who recognise that they need some assistance. Most diseases and emotions stem from the gut and from inflammation. I love working on the cause so that we can succeed long term, instead of only focusing on the short term.

If you feel like something is not right, come and see me, as we need to start to believe in ourselves. Pathology and symptoms may not always present initially, but don't wait till there is a problem. Let us work together.

I work out of my calming, restorative and peaceful clinic in Coogee. My clinic has been designed to be a supportive and nurturing space where we can work together to either help you on your health journey or help you recover from a state where you have been troubled by illness.

être (to be)

To be, well.

To be, still.

To be, YOU.

"I first saw Doreen last year. My symptoms were aching knees, neck, fingers and feet, so much so that it was difficult to sleep. My little finger just hung and I was unable to move it at all, but now I can move it. Now I am running 10km again and both knees are fine. The pain in my fingers has gone. My knees, feet and neck no longer ache at night. My life has changed so much. I cannot thank Doreen enough for listening to my complaints and getting to the bottom of the cause. So, so, so appreciative of Doreen and my new life!"

Be Inspired