
Initial Appointment - 60 Minutes


An initial naturopath appointment is for first-time patients or for patients that have not seen me for over 6 months.

This includes a comprehensive health assessment so that I can understand the root cause of your health concerns. As a naturopath, I work on the root cause of your symptoms and from a holistic point of view I look at you as a whole person and not just at your presenting symptoms.

Prior to this appointment, I will ask you to complete an initial form, which will provide me with preliminary information, including a comprehensive history of your current health including all medications, supplements, eating habits and health goals, so at the appointment, I can concentrate on the details as to what is going on currently. The 60 minutes will go very quickly, as there is a lot of information to gather.

After the appointment, I will provide you with a personalised treatment plan which may include lifestyle and dietary recommendations, herbal tonics/tinctures (that may include flower essences, teas or homoeopathic), nutritional medicines and recommendations for diagnostic or functional testing if needed.

Follow Up Appointment - 30 Minutes

(For existing clients only)


A follow-up consultation is for existing clients to discuss their progress and to receive help on how to move to the next phase of their health journey. This may include reviewing pathology and/or any other diagnostic tests, looking at any new health concerns, top up any herbal tonics/flower essences/homoeopathic remedies, teas and adjusting the treatment plan as necessary.

Discovery Call - 15 minutes - complimentary (only online)

Find out if I am the right practitioner for you

This is for anyone who wants to find out about me, what I have to offer and how I approach. We are all different, and I want you to see if I am the right person for you from either a naturopathic or reiki point of view.


30-minute Iridiolgy appointment -$70

Includes a detailed iris report and a digital photo of both eyes,

Iridology is an assessment tool that provides information about a person’s genetic and inherited health vulnerabilities. Iridology is not to be used as a diagnostic tool, but when looked at in conjunction with the person as a whole, can provide valuable information. The iris reflects the different organs and structures of the body. The iris can identify changing health conditions (Genetics) that develop over time when looking at the changes in the retina, sclera, cornea, pupil and conjunctiva. These changes are not only due to genetics but also reflect what a person eats, drinks, thinks, feels etc.

Cellular Health Assessment

30 minutes - $75

Cellular Health (also known as Bio-Impedance Analysis) is a tool I use to assess how your body is ageing, based on the amount of muscle, fat, cell hydration and the health of the cells in your body. This is a non-invasive test that can assess your health but also be used as a monitoring tool if you are wanting to build muscle or to lose weight. Cellular Health measures the biological age of your cells and your metabolic rate. This consultation will include the test, a full report with explanation as well as a treatment plan.

Reiki Energy Healing session

60 minutes healing session - $105

Your Reiki Healing session will be about you and will be about the Reiki energy guiding me to help you on an emotional, spiritual and physical basis. Reiki healing session works on the Reiki energy. It is important that you come to these sessions with an open mind, as Reiki energy will not go where it is not needed. Being open will allow the energy to heal you, guide you or balance any chakras or emotions that may be out of balance. This is for anyone who has a decision to make, for someone who feels stuck, for anyone who needs some direction or for anyone who needs the space to be able to stop and think.